Tuesday, 11 June 2019

E3 2019 | Nintendo Direct | Heroes Everywhere!

Okay, Nintendo's E3 direct has been and gone, and they actually had a fair amount of stuff to show. From new Smash Bros. characters, to other new entries in their own IP, to some interesting third party titles. So it looks like even two years after its original release the Nintendo Switch is still going strong.

So let's have a little chat about it.

Okay, I've got to come clean. I kind of wanted to do a little bit on the Nintendo direct, but I couldn't really think of anything, because whilst they showed a lot they didn't really go into too much detail on anything. As such I basically picked out a few things I liked from the direct, and wrote about a hundred words on each of them. So this is more a collection of things I liked, more than anything particularly detailed.

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First up is the reveal of Dragon Quest characters for Super Smash Brothers. Whist this isn't a surprise since people discovered this one a while ago, it's always nice to see what they actually look like in the game. It looks like they will be using the main characters from several entries in the series, which is a little disappointing, as I always through the other party members were more memorable, and would have taken someone like Jessica over another silent protagonist.

One interesting thing to consider is that the main characters of the third and fourth games could both be played as female, but we only saw the male versions in this trailer. So will we see them doing something similar to Robin and Corrin, and including male and females version as alternate skins? I hope so, it's just personal taste, but I generally prefer female characters, and the season pass has been exclusively male so far.

Next up is Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Now, this only got a single trailer, and a short one at that.
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However, it did seem to confirm some of the leaks that sprung up not too long ago. We get to see each of the main characters after a five year time-skip, in which their friendship seems to have collapsed into a mutual hatred. Presumably we, as Byleth, will get to choose which of the three we back when the war breaks out. Frankly I really like the designs for the older versions of the characters, as I think that they show off their individual personalities really well. Edelgard's is my favourite, although Edelgard is my favourite in general, but all of them look really cool; and Dimitri has had a massive makeover.

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Finally I want to talk about some Legend of Zelda, specifically the little teaser trailer that let us know that the sequel to Breath of the Wild is now in development. This one looks to have a much darker atmosphere to its predecessor, and the way they discover Ganondorf's corpse and how it comes back to life, makes me feel like it will have some actual horror vibes. Not to mention the environment from the trailer has my hopeful that we'll actually get a bit more variety in that area.

On top of that, Zelda had a lot of prominence in that trailer, so despite myself I find myself hoping this means she'll actually be playable this time around. Well see I guess.

Anyway, those were my picks of Nintendo's E3 direct.

Until next time ladies and gentlemen, please take care of yourselves.


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