Sunday, 31 December 2017

Top 5 Games of 2017

Here we go, it's a little late, but it's time to follow up my best anime of 2017, with my best games of 2017. Remember, this is based on my own personal opinion, and how much I was entertained by the games in question; so you're list could be completely different, and that's fine.

So let's get to it.

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Top 5 Anime of 2017

It's finally the end of the year, which means it time for the obligatory lists of my favourite things of 2017. I'll be starting with anime, and letting you know what my favourite shows of the year were.

Remember, this is all just my opinion, so feel free to disagree; just don't eviscerate me over it.

Friday, 8 December 2017

Soul Calibur VI and Shadows Die Twice - Franchises Revived?

You know, the best part of the Videogame Awards isn't the actual awards part (although I like that Samus Returns won something), it's the various announcements that take place there. This year saw two announcements that are of particular interest to me; Soul Calibur VI from Bandai-Namco, and Shadows Die Twice by From Software. Which is why I'm about some time writing about them.

So, without further ado, let's get to it.

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Why Net Neutrality Might be Important, Even if You're Not American

When I started this blog I wanted to avoid getting political as much as possible, but politics are a fact of life it seems.  So, here we go...

Warning, opinions within.

Monday, 4 December 2017

The Villainess - One Woman's Messed-Up Life

So, here's a film that came out earlier this year, and it actually seems like it might be worth a look.

The Villianess is a Korean action film directed by Jung Byung-gil, and staring Kim Ok-bin; two names that I guess don't mean much of anything to anyone outside of South Korea. However, The Villainess has drawn some comparisons to other action films such as The Raid, which had some of the most impactful action scenes in recent years. So it might actually have something going for it.

Shall we take a look, and see if it lives up to expectations?

There may by minor spoilers beyond this point.